
Home Page

  1. 60% Feel Overwhelmed
    3 out of 5 people feel overwhelmed when they must face a challenge on their
    American Psychologist Association,for%20a%20lot%20more%20support.
  2. 75% Less Stress
    Users show a reduction in the amount of stress they have.
    Morphii White Paper
  3. 45% Greater Benefit Use
    Peer support programs increase employee calls to their EAPs.
    Eddy EAP
  4. 9.5 Fewer Missed Days
    People miss fewer days when their wellbeing improves.
    Gallup Study

Kindly Humans Page

  1. 80% Recommend Peers
    Those who have participated in peer support overwhelmingly recommend it to others
    Relief from Support Groups
  2. 55% Start with Peers
    Employees favor connecting with a peer for initial conversations on new challenges and situations
    PEER-TO-PEER LEARNING TO BOOST WORK PERFORMANCE,learning%20something%20new%20relating%20to%20the%20business

Our Topics Page

  1. 60% Feel Overwhelmed
    3 out of 5 people feel overwhelmed when they must face a challenge on their own.
    American Psychologist Association,for%20a%20lot%20more%20support.
  2. 89% Prefer Peers
    When available, employees prefer connecting with a Peer compared to choosing clinical care
    Kindly Human Survey of Employees, 2023
  3. 94% Choose Compatibility
    Almost all employees find it important to talk with someone like themselves
    Kindly Human Survey of Employees, 2023
  4. 2x More Accessible
    Individuals are 2x more likely to connect with a peer vs. a therapist
    Kindly Human Survey of Employees, 2022

Our Impacts Page

  1. 97% Feel Better
    Users report feeling better after talking with a Kindly Human Peer.
    Morphii White Paper
  2. 75% Less Stress
    Users show a reduction in the amount of stress they have.
    Morphii White Paper
  3. 10% More Productive
    People with higher wellbeing can boost their productivity by nearly 10% per day
    Oxford University Business School Study, 2019
  4. 9.5 Fewer Missed Days
    People miss fewer days when their wellbeing improves.
    Gallup Study
  5. 45% Greater Benefit Use
    Peer support programs increase employee calls to their EAPs.
    Eddy EAP
  6. $2,500 Reduced Health Costs
    Employee health costs are lower when wellbeing is addressed and improved.
    The Guardian

Education Page

  1. 60% Value Peer Support
    3 out of 5 students who use peer support services find them helpful and would recommend them to others.
    “Peer Counseling in College Mental Health”, 2022. Mary Christie Institute
  2. 82% Supporting Diversity
    Students report Peers offer a strong value for underserved populations.
    “Peer Counseling in College Mental Health”, 2022. Mary Christie Institute
  3. 62% Interest in Peer Support
    Students who have not yet tried an interest show a strong interest.